Hi All,
Its my first blog written after 12-15 years touch with computers...so correct me wherever i'm wrong & applaud me where i stand valid.
In the recent days I've came across so many apps for personal & official use.
I've got few question in my mind..they are as below:
Why most of the Mobile Apps need to be installed and take lot of power & space in smartphones ?
Are we not care about end user's wish to choose as app install or access from web?
since we moved from windows applications to web & cloud.long time ago.why not in mobile...i came across very few apps like this? most of the installed apps cleaned up once in a week...
So by having the thought on me,i got a chance to explore a Vendor app www.iwontmiss.com for one of the independent consulting firm www.testitfit.in which solves my questions.
Here i can scan the app url using QR code & store it as a icon like bookmark in home screen and whenever i needed i can access the app as a web..which reduced my batter power consumption as well as memory space in my mobile.
So Techies, if you found any better solution feel free to suggest below.